We just got in another whopper sized box of sweet new vinyl albums today at the shop. This new vinyl shipment and the last 4 weeks of new vinyl arrivals are part of our massive stock build up for this holiday season. Every week after this one will be increased shipments of new vinyl. We are filling in lot's of key back stock of artists and genres everybody wants. All those low quantity or empty artist bin cards are now filling up. Brand new releases will also be included with all the back stock stuff.
Some highlights from today's shipment:
John Coltrane, NIN, Blink 182, 808 State, Halloween I, II & III soundtracks, The Cards, David Bowie, A Tribe Called Quest, Oasis, Flume, Portishead, Ariana Grande, Death Grips, Bon Iver, Jimi Hendrix, The Pixies and so many more.
To see and appreciate all that arrived, you need to drop by and dig through. Any questions on certain titles just message or call us.
Dr. Freecloud's Last Record Store Standing
9043 Garfield Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA. 92708
(657) 888-4695